Webinar: Tech Preview: Enrich Your Cloud with CyVerse Cacao



11 a.m., Feb. 25, 2023


Webinar Recording


Edwin's Slide Presentation 


About the Webinar

It’s easy these days to get lost in the cloud: with your data and analyses stored now in multiple cloud servers, volumes, and containers, keeping your cloud resources organized is a major task. To help you do that, CyVerse built CACAO as the place for you to organize and manage your XSEDE JetStream 2 cloud resources. A multi-cloud orchestration service built for researchers and educators, CACAO eliminates the complexity of using multiple clouds and helps you get stuff done! At a basic level, you can use CACAO just as you did with Atmosphere on JetStream 1: launch a virtual machine with the tools you use, do your work, and shutdown when done. With Cacao on Jetstream 2, you can do much more, including virtual clusters, multi-node Jupyterhub deployments for a workshop, or your private Kubernetes cluster. CyVerse’s Edwin Skidmore will walk us through a tech preview of CACAO: What it is, who can access it, and how to get started. The preview will also cover the roadmap and other features to come, including importing and sharing custom Hashicorp Terraform workflows, Continuous Analysis, and the integration with Kubernetes and Argo Workflows. Please join us for a taste of “the food of the [cloud] gods”: CACAO!

What You'll Learn

  • What CACAO is, how to access it, how to get started

  • Using CACAO for virtual clusters, a private Kubernetes cluster, multi-node Jupyterhub deployments for workshops
  • What's on CACAO's roadmap, e.g., capabilities for Hashicorp Terraform workflows, continuous analysis, other integrations

About the Presenter

Edwin Skidmore

A graduate of the University of Arizona in Computer Science and an MPA, Edwin Skidmore was one of the first employees of CyVerse. Now, as our Director of Infrastructure, he leads CyVerse’s newly formed Cloud Native Services team, whose mission is to enhance CyVerse’s cyberinfrastructure platform by integrating cloud native technologies. These technologies bring unprecedented levels of scalability, portability, and extensibility by leveraging container orchestration, multi-cloud/edge cloud, and event-driven microservices. The Cloud Native Services team has already developed a portfolio of products and services that enable researchers to leverage and learn these technologies with minimal technical expertise, including DataWatch, Cacao, and the forthcoming CyVerse Cloud Native Toolkit. Edwin also contributes as senior staff to CyVerse collaborations with other NSF projects, including JetStream2HydrogenLIMPID, and COALESCE, and he literally brings the CyVerse team together to enjoy his Hawaiian shaved ice when the temperatures in Tucson start to melt the asphalt.

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