Webinar: Get It Done with CyVerse: Real Life Stories of Research, Teaching and Open Science



11 a.m. to noon, Aug. 27, 2021


Webinar Videorecording

Links to Resources Mentioned in the Webinar

About the Webinar

Are you using everything CyVerse has to offer? Now in our 13th year, CyVerse serves more than 90,000 researchers worldwide and has transformed 21st century science in ways we and our funders only dreamed of when we first rolled out the Data Store in 2010. From using CyVerse for data-driven research, to teaching modern computational and data science with our open science resources, to building your research community through CyVerse's collaboration tools and features, CyVerse Principal Investigator Eric Lyons will be joined by five guest presenters whose amazing projects, classes, and research teams have used CyVerse as their foundational workspace. Join us for what you can do with CyVerse in 2021!

What You'll Learn

  • How international collaborators use CyVerse for their team's data that led to the first image of a black hole
  • How researchers and educators use CyVerse to teach informatics to students and colleagues, virtually!
  • How researchers use CyVerse's key backend services for their projects' websites 

About the Presenters

Eric Lyons

Eric Lyons is an Associate Professor in the School of Plant Sciences at the University of Arizona and lead PI on CyVerse. Dr. Lyons serves on several boards of non-profit companies and research institutions and has worked in biotech, pharma, and software companies in California, and has served as a Program Director at the National Science Foundation in the Plant Genome Research Program.


ck chan

Chi-Kwan Chan (CK) is an Associate Research Professor at the Steward Observatory at University of Arizona and a member of the international Event Horizon Telescope project.


liz super

Elizabeth Suter is an Assistant Professor at Molloy College in Rockville Centre, NY, where her research focuses on the impacts of microbes on water quality in coastal and  open ocean environments. She joined us for CyVerse's Foundational Open Science Skills course last year and is a passionate practitioner and teacher of best practices for open science/open access.


suzy strickler

Susan (Suzy) Strickler is the Director of the Boyce Thompson Institute's Computational Biology Center, whose mission is to enable computational approaches by providing educational resources and developing new methods to understanding the complexity of life. 


Alex bucksch

Alexander Bucksch is an Associate Professor of Computational Plant Science at University of Georgia and developed the Digital Imaging of Root Traits (DIRT) project, whose website is Powered by CyVerse.


Konrad lang

Konrad Lang is the Technical Expert for CyVerse Austria operations, and has been instrumental in the planning, development and deployment of CyVerse Austria for the BioTechMed community at the University of Graz.


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