Webinar: CyVerse VICE: A Virtuous Habit for Your Cloud Addiction



11 a.m., Oct. 8, 2021


Webinar Recording


Jason's slides


About the Webinar

CyVerse's Lead trainer Jason Williams walks us through VICE, CyVerse's Visual and Interactive Computing Environment. VICE is a part of the Discovery Environment that enables you to do your work in integrated development environments such as Jupyter Notebooks, RStudio, and containers. This webinar will be especially helpful to researchers and educators who previously used CyVerse's virtual machine images in our Atmosphere cloud resource. If you've got a cloud addiction or one is starting to form, VICE may be the virtuous habit you need.

What You'll Learn

  • What VICE is and why you would want to use it (for research and teaching)
  • Launching and using a VICE application
  • Improving your reproducibility by customizing VICE

About the Presenter


Jason Williams is the Founder of Life Science Trainers, and Assistant Director of External Collaborations of Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory’s DNA Learning Center. As CyVerse's Education, Outreach, and Training lead, Jason organizes, instructs, and speaks at a variety of bioinformatics-related workshops, conferences, and meetings annually. Jason has served as Chair of the International Science Advisory Board for EMBL-Australian Bioinformatics Resource, and sits on the Science and Industry Advisory Board of ELIXIR UK, External Panel of Experts to NIH’s National Heart Lung and Blood Institute’s Data STAGE (Storage, Toolspace, Access and analytics for biG data Empowerment). He is an active Carpentries instructor and a former Chair of the Software Carpentry foundation (an international organization of researchers that promotes training and education in software development, scientific data management, and open science), but we think his really impressive work is on Instagram.

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